When performing any aspects of the eyelash extension procedure disinfection is EXTREMELY important, and with Covid-19 spiking its important to us that all lashers self taught or instructor taught fully understands. Cleaning is the first and most important step for controlling the spread on infectious germs and bacteria. If you don't clean your implements first the disinfectants may be blocked by soap films, grease, oil, or dirt. Please take a few moments to review these guidelines for sanitation and safety.
Before we get into the guidelines and steps lets explain the difference between Sanitation, Disinfection, and Sterilization.
Sanitation: the process and practice of protecting health through hygienic measures. This means to remove visible debris and contamination and lowering the number of germs on the surface. Cleaning with soap and water!
Disinfection: the process of cleaning something with a chemical in order to DESTROY bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
Sterilization: the process of killing all bacteria and other living microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and spore forms.
With this information I want to be clear all 3 are different steps and must be done in the lash industry whether you lash at home or in a salon! If you don't have the necessary solutions or equipment GET THEM! If you need further training on tis subject please book with me I would be happy to assist you getting what you need and teaching you the proper way!
The combination of proper cleaning and disinfection of tools, surfaces, and equipment with EPA registered disinfectants is highly effective in the salon environment.
First and foremost if your client shows ANY signs of infection DO NOT APPLY LASH EXTENSIONS! This includes high fevers, oozing or crusted eyes, redness of the eyelids or eyes (or pink-eye), itching or watering that aren't allergy related, or swelling of the eyelids.
Make sure you WASH YOUR HANDS before and after every service (after you have done your consultation). Keep Sanitizer in your workspace for additional cleansing.
To learn proper steps enroll in our Lash Sanitation and Safety Workshop Now Available!
